Tuesday, July 21, 2009
by Carly
“What is a mirror?” the teacher asked.
Jenny’s hand shoots up first. Jenny is usually quiet, so when the teacher sees her hand she picks her immediately.
“Yes, Jenny, come stand up front and tell us what you think when you see the word mirror.” She said.
Jenny stood at the front of the class and looked at her classmates.
“Mirrors are judgmental pieces of glass.” She said simply.
“Mirror’s don’t have human qualities…” the teacher said quietly.
“Mirrors show you what you are on the outside, as if that’s all that matters. They are judgmental and show you every flaw you have. Not only do they show them, but they seem to enhance them. A mirror shows you what you are and what people think you should be. It’s a stereotypical world and mirrors just prove that. Your reflection is exactly what everyone else sees, which they define you by. If you’re beautiful you’re probably popular. If you aren’t then you’re not. What people don’t understand is that it’s what’s in the inside that matters more than what you see in the mirror. All you need to do is look.” She finished.
Everyone stared in awe at Jenny. The teacher could no longer form words. Jenny took a shaky breath and continued.
“The world isn’t a fair place.” She said quietly. All eyes went from their desks to her. The teacher sat down so she could focus on what her student was saying. Her insight to the world was absolutely amazing; she wondered where she had learned it all. Jenny gave them all a wary smile.
“Today the world is defined by mirrors. They tell people who to like who not to like. Who you can trust and who you can’t, all because of their looks. It makes no sense to me at all; it has no reason to be the way it is. If someone looks different they are shunned. Thank God there are people on this Earth who have learned to accept people who are different from them, people who are kind hearted and pure. Those people are good souls, they look past the rules of the mirror and they actually see people for who they are. Those mirrors are liars." She took a breath and held it in for a moment, trying to make her heart start racing so fast.
They all stared at her for a long moment.
“Life isn’t easy to begin with, but mirrors make it harder. The last thing people need is to be shown their flaws. People are already too concerned with their looks to begin with. Look at racism and prejudice and other things in this world, all the war that goes on and all the people that die. Look at them and tell me that it’s not because people think we are different. We each have a beating heart, we all breathe the same air, and we all drink the same water. How is that so different? Tell me if you know! Because I don’t know, nor do I understand it!” Jenny hissed, slamming her fist down onto the desk.
Everyone froze at the sound of her hand against the oak desk. She let out a quiet laugh at their terrified expressions. She smirked, turning to her teacher.
“That is what I think of mirrors.” She concluded.
The awestruck teacher gasped and watched her student walk back to her desk. No one took their eyes off her. No one moved an inch. It was as if they were holding their breath, waiting for her to say something, anything.
… There are moments in life Where the most simple question Leads to the most unexpected answer…
Entry who won the first week of the contest.
very well written. i enjoyed it.
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